Friday, February 7, 2014

REST DAY!! Day 4


I don't know who I think I am kidding.....I'm kind of ticked that it is rest day.  I was getting a good groove going and then what happens....I don't work out today??  WHAT?!?!  I know my body needs to recover and it will just make my long workouts this weekend better, but seriously I'm still not happy about it.
Since there will be no exercising then I really need to stay strict on my diet.  Can I do it?  Sure?? no I mean SURE!!

So I went to have my body fat measured today in the BodPod.  Well I did it back in October was at 21.2% body fat, which isn't too shabby.  So today I was hopeful that things would be better in that area and I was at 19.9%!!  A lose of 1.3%.....EXCITED!!  I think I will be happy if I get into the low 18's or high 17's.

Diet for today was good.  Breakfast was spot on, morning and afternoon snack were good....Lunch I ate out but I had a vegan soup bowl with chicken.....and it was amazing!  High on the sodium so I will probably be bloated like crazy but otherwise super healthy.  Then came dinner.....and it just didn't happen, I wasn't hungry and I was out running around so got home late and then just had no appetite.  

The day was good, could have been better....but with no workout today and an OK diet I'm satisfied.  Tomorrow I'm putting on a baby shower for a good friend with good food, I have to stay focused and I have to get in a 50 minute run at some point.  Which it will probably be too cold to run outside so more in door running track.

Weight: 159.2
Exercise... none :(
Diet: MEH, but definitely didn't over eat!

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